Picture Books
Golbarg Bashi - Counting Up the Olive Tree
P is for Palestine
Jenny Molendyk Divleli - Colours of Al Quds
YA Books
Deborah Ellis - The Cat at the Wall
Nora Lester Murad - Ida in the Middle
Elizabeth Laird - A Little Piece of Ground
Moriel Rothman-Zecher - Sadness is a White Bird
Noam Chomsky and Ilan Pappe - On Palestine
Rebecca Gould - Erasing Palestine
Marc Lamont Hill and Mitchell Plitnick - Except for Palestine: The Limits of Progressive Politics
Antony Lowenstein - My Israel Question
The Palestine laboratory
John Lyons - Balcony Over Jerusalem
Dateline Jerusalem
Ilan Pappe - The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine
The Idea of Israel
Geoffrey Robertson - Crimes Against Humanity
Omar Sakr - Non-Essential Work
The Lost Arabs
Graphic Novels
Joe Sacco - Palestine